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劇場版「Fate/stay night [Heaven’s Feel]」Original Soundtrack(アルバム)

劇場版「Fate/stay night [Heaven’s Feel]」Original Soundtrack(アルバム)
貸出開始日: 2024/04/13 新作
収録時間: 65分29秒/68分10秒/79分59秒
アーティスト: 梶浦由記
盤種: アルバム/3枚組み
シリーズ: Fate
メーカー: アニプレックス
ジャンル: アニメ サウンドトラック
品番: cd_063svwc70641r_1

梶浦由記が手掛けた劇場版『Fate/stay night [Heaven’s Feel]』のサウンドトラック。物語を彩る劇伴に加え、Aimerによる全三章の主題歌「花の唄」「I beg you」「春はゆく」を収録している。

01:and she came to me
02:calm and quiet days
03:cherries are falling
04:calm days, passing by
05:wounded past
07:open the curtains
08:the flower will bloom
09:scar of the war
10:the decision to fight
12:in the maze
13:she is the Saber
14:and he vanished
15:his war, my war
16:his war, my war #2
17:crawling shadow
18:the loser has to fall
19:she decides, he decides
20:her sorrow, his anger
21:song of a tiny flower
22:lancer and assassin
24:existence of shadow
25:what are you gonna do?
26:into the battle
27:she did not answer
28:with or against
29:fears and hopes
30:now I’m back
31:for the butterfly
02:you have to choose your future
03:small talk, with my brother
04:in the passing train
05:hurrying to the library
06:you shouldn’t have come here all alone
07:something I can do
08:she is her Hero
09:what she was hiding
10:the butterfly emerge
11:she’s made up her mind
12:he still can’t choose his future
13:let’s go home together
14:I will be her Hero
15:what he has believed
16:there is a crack
17:he goes, she goes
18:the outbreak of war
19:she rules the battlefield
20:come on, make your move
21:He comes back again and again
22:what else, we can do?
23:despair and hope
24:petals and butterfly
25:in a gentle world
26:my stomach is rumbling!
27:some sweet candies
28:and another dinner
29:spreading disaster
30:gloomy tension
31:bad dream, sad future
32:an invitation from the old man
33:can you save her?
34:the song we once sang
35:a tiny flower in my dream
36:I will face my fate
37:the lost butterfly
38:I beg you
01:she is no longer here
02:the butterfly flutters
03:that won’t do
04:in early spring
05:what happiness is
06:to the castle
07:you don’t have to act tough
08:and he came back again
09:despair was pleasure
10:I kill and I give life
11:why I fight ~EMIYA~(spring song 2020 ver.)
12:defeat him and protect her
13:we still have to go
14:she tells about the Holy Grail
15:in the basement
16:the tale of the Holy Grail
17:soon I will come to you
18:I am all right
19:once we were here together
20:the gatekeeper
21:she holds the black holy sword
22:the four rings
23:she came to save you
24:you were always brilliant
25:her hatred
26:memory of a card game
27:are you still telling me to live?
28:I’ll protect you from everything
29:he tells about love
30:good or evil
31:no way to back out~I ask you, my foe
32:I will show you a miracle
33:searching for you
34:spring has come


※ 歌詞カードは同封されません。

  • ★:劇場版「Fate/stay night [Heaven’s Feel]」Original Soundtrack(アルバム) DISC1&DISC2(2枚組)
  • ★:劇場版「Fate/stay night [Heaven’s Feel]」Original Soundtrack(アルバム) DISC3
  • m
  • B
  • t
  • f


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